Presenting you the Best Practice Collection/Report
A collection of best practices focused on youth engagement and civic participation.
Global Framework of Initiatives
One of the projects outputs which proposes to work on innovative initiatives for the enforcement of active citizenship & democratic participation among youngsters 16-20, underrepresented in policy making decisions.INTRESTED TO READ THE FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT OF THE...
Policy Paper for Youth Engagement
The NEUEYT policy report is based on initiatives for youngsters, stakeholders, policy makers, local communities, and youth organizations. This document is an outcome of the NEUEYT project which proposes to work on innovative initiatives for the enforcement of active...
Videos and Podcasts
During our dissemination of the project and the implementation of our initiatives we will create 3 videos and 4 podcasts focused on the topic of youth democratic participation and engagement. OUR FIRST VIDEO IS HERE Check the video and get to know more about the 8...
Evaluation results from the Initiatives
After all 8 initiatives are implemented in each partner country the consortium will create an evaluation results document where the impact of the initiatives will be presented.