On the 30 th of June, the first meeting of stakeholder table on the theme – Youth and political commitment; was held for the city and province of Verona.

The Neueyt – Youth Digital Participation project offered us the opportunity to meet representatives of the parties involved on a daily basis in the active citizenship activities of young people in Verona: Jessica Cugini – journalist at the Nigrizia Foundation, Chiara Danese – lawyer and councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Belfiore, Giulia Gambaretto – student of Political Sciences, Simonetta Guadin – president of the Multiforme Cooperative, Marco Tabacchini – high school teacher, Rachele Tomezzoli – anthropology student and activist at the Paratodos Self-managed Laboratory, Paola Zermian – territorial educator. For Glocal Factory, Sara Khamlich and Anna Schena organized the meeting.

After the presentation of the project and its collection of good practices, a brief discussion brought the good practices to the agenda with their strengths and difficulties that everyone experiences and has experienced in their daily lives. It is only the first of a series of meetings that aims to bring the topic of digital active citizenship of young people in the Verona area to the agenda!

Next meeting in autumn 2022 and spring 2023: stay updated!