On the 20th of February, HUB NICOSIA facilitated the first stakeholder table in the framework of the NEUEYT project. The aim of the stakeholder table was to introduce the project to various stakeholders in order to build bridges between the activities developed in the project and policymaking.
The meeting was very relaxed and interesting for the participants. The stakeholders were mostly active in education and youth work. Following the introduction of the participants and exchange of areas of expertise, the project manager for Cyprus, Dora Heracleous, presented the objectives of the meeting and the important role that those 3 stakeholder tables will have in the development of policy recommendations.
The brief discussion was followed by a more thorough understanding of the project, its main goals and objectives, while the main work packages were also presented. The participating stakeholders discussed some identified good practices and how those practices helped the partnership develop and structure the novel framework which involves the 8 initiatives suggested by the NEUEYT project.
During the meeting the stakeholders had the opportunity to become more familiar with the 8 initiatives and the different approaches that the partners followed during their implementation process. An extensive discussion followed that was relevant to how the concomitant implementation of the initiatives by at least 3 partners allows them to test the initiatives’ adaptability.
The meeting was rounded up with a Q&A session during which the stakeholders had the opportunity to ask questions; share insights and impressions; and tell us how they envision their further involvement in the project.