In Verona, 29 and 30 March were two days of meetings and exchange of experiences for the mobility participants of the NEUEYT project. Glocal Factory hosted 7 young people and policy makers from Cyprus (Hub Nicosia) and North Macedonia (Poraka Nova). On Wednesday, the group moved to Sona, a municipality a few kilometers from Verona and coordinator of a network of 37 municipalities in western Verona. Here the representatives of the Municipality explained to us the activities they carry out with the young people. After lunch at the Mangiabottoni social restaurant (which deals with the job placement of disabled people), in the afternoon we met the Paratod@s self-managed laboratory, a youth center that works above all with migrants and refugees, with particular attention to the home and to mental distress. Thursday morning was dedicated to visiting the city, while in the afternoon we had the opportunity to meet the policy makers of the city of Verona, in the third discussion table. The experience was rich and significant and, like all experiences of meeting and sharing, it gave us the opportunity to think, reflect, create and plan together for the future!