One of the NEUEYT Initiatives that is implemented by Poraka Nova was promoted through local radio stations in Struga and Ohrid, North Macedonia. Short info about the project was mentioned and short description of the Self Advocacy Influencers initiative was presented. Check the transaltion from the press relase below or hear the audio if you are coming from North Macedonia or understand Macedonian language.

Hi all, I want to introduce to you one interesting project co-financed by Erasmus+ program – the project is called  (Novel Framework for democratic participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters) which is implemented in our country by Poraka Nova Struga, within which training courses are implemented within the iniative (Self Advocacy Influencers).

These 5 young people who are from marginalized groups got involved in this project and together with 5 mentors create their own blogs, through which they learn about digital tools, communication and promotion of social media, acquire other digital skills so that they can later represent certain social topics through themselves and will reach to relevant stakeholders in the community and provoke some actions on their part.

You can check more info on the website of the project:

It’s really great when young people are active in society and try to make positive changes. We will support them always.

NEUEYT and SAI PR radio

by Radio Presenter Irena

NEUEYT and SAI PR radio

by Radio Presenter Viktor