Last week on 14 December 2022, Glocal Factory with the support from Poraka Nova and Foris organized the online We&Us Panel Initiative final meeting with policy makers from Italy and N.Macedonia in order to present the report behind the survey conducted by young people from the same countries who were involved in this initiative.
We&US is an initiative having the aim of sustaining youngsters in giving proper wording to their needs, to display them to policy makers and stakeholders and to use effective communication channels which enable their voices to be heard. A group of involved youngsters had the opportunity to elaborate a report on a panel of crucial topics presenting the findings in several multi-stakeholder events.
After recruiting the young people for We&Us Panel back in May 2022, a Scientific committee was established who worked on the development of the survey, the collection of the answers, fine tuning and last steps result elaboration and presentation during June and December 2022.
We are so proud that 28 participants joined the online meeting from whom 17 were policy makers who had a chance to see the results, debate with the young people and provide their feedback.
We&Us Panel Survey managed to receive 210 answers, it was constructed with 8 closed ended questions and 7 open ended questions. Main selected topics by the youngsters were Employment and working conditions, Fighting climate change, sustainability recycling and International mobility.
Find the full report and conclusions from the survey HERE.
Thanks to all amazing youngsters who joined and participated in this initiative, and thanks to the policy makers who attended the meeting, we hope for long collaboration and developing maybe future joint programs or actions to support the youth participation in all democratic processes.