On November 4th, 2022, FORIS organized an event in Ferrara with the goal of building a fairer region. With 25 participants from various organizations such as Center, Web Radio Giardino, cultural association ‘Oltre le Mura’, and the social promotion association ‘Ultimo Baluardo’, the group discussed the right to work and design freedom linked to the different opportunities available. Igor Taruffi, the newly appointed councillor for Welfare, Youth Policy, and Internal Areas, emphasized the importance of translating the inputs received during the process into concrete administrative acts.

During the workshop for representatives of Local Authorities, Chiara Pancaldi presented the NEUEYT project, highlighting the importance of youth participation in democratic life. Discussions focused on topics such as identity, sociability, NEETs and the labor market, networking, communication between institutions and public users, and the need for larger gathering spaces. Stakeholders also discussed the importance of non-formal and informal educational activities to promote democratic values and reduce the NEET phenomenon.

Moving forward, the group agreed on the need for more local initiatives to engage young people in e-participation in democratic life, as well as blended activities and more local events for youth on democratic participation. More meetings and conferences will be organized on this matter as well. The NEUEYT project provides a novel framework for democratic participation and engagement of underrepresented European youngsters, and its presentations and discussions have highlighted the need for more youth involvement in the democratic process.