Our mobility to Verona has truly been an unforgettable experience. We were given the incredible opportunity to meet youth representatives from different countries as well as interact with locals and learn about young, active citizenship and participation in Italy. Our days were packed with a variety of activities starting with a trip to Sona, a province in Verona, where the local youth representatives explained to us how the Italian government funds youth activities, such as Giovani in the 37 communities of the city.

Furthermore, we also had the opportunity to visit Laboratorio Autogestito Paratodos, a cultural center which aims to improve social inclusion of individuals, especially migrants by not only offering to teach them Italian, but also by hosting social events such as theatre performances and concerts to increase social engagement, as well as a place for them to stay.

Finally, on our last day, we attended a conference at the learning center 311, where we met representatives of the municipality of the city as well as the presidents of the student committee that voice the issues of young people from universities all over Verona.
We had an enlightening discussion with the policy makers which gave us a good insight on the activism and youth political participation of Verona, and generally Italy. We also had some free time to explore the city, go sightseeing and engage with the locals. We met people, socialised, and built connections that will last a lifetime. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that we will forever be grateful for.

Tis article is based on the testimonial and feedback from participants Anna and Emma from Cyprus, who attended the Mobility event in Verona.