Presenting the NEUEYT project to the local community and high level political stakeholders

Presenting the NEUEYT project to the local community and high level political stakeholders

We are excited to inform you that E-TRIKALA, one of the Greek partners had the opportunity to introduce via a banner, brochures and videos, the NEUEYT project during a two days Conference that took place on 20 and 21 of April in the Greek city of Trikala.

The conference, Trikala 2030 ( promotes the goal for a sustainable  city by introducing to the public concepts like:

•             Infrastructure utilization

•             Promoting urban and thematic tourism, through the sustainable management of its resources.

•             Adopting solutions to reduce carbon footprint and slow down climate change.

•             Improvement of  services by adopting new technological solutions for the benefit of the citizens.

•             Encouraging the younger generation to participate meaningfully in planning and decision-making.

•             Enhancing innovation and start-up entrepreneurship.

•             Taking advantage of the region’s development prospects, highlighting the Comparative advantages.

On the second day of the conference E-TRIKALA organized a panel discussion with the title “Promoting Youth Democratic participation, Creating the first youth council via the NEUEYT PROJECT”. Speakers from the youth council, the organizing committee, mayors and vice mayors discussed and exchanged ideas on how to better include young people on democratic initiatives. Special focus was given to the importance of digital tools and our experience on the NEUEYT project.  

Mobility event in Nicosia, Cyprus

Mobility event in Nicosia, Cyprus

On the 11th of April, our partners from HUB NICOSIA hosted one of the mobilities foreseen during the NEUEYT project in their premises in Nicosia, Cyprus.

A total number of 9 young people and stakeholders were selected by PISTES SOLIDAIRES (France), E-Trikala (Greece) and HUB NICOSIA (Cyprus) to participate to interactive sessions with local stakeholders that primarily work on youth participation, youth engagement and youth policy.

The participants had the opportunity to visit the premises of the Youth Board of Cyprus (ONEK), a public legal entity which offers young people multiple opportunities for active participation in social activities in Cyprus and abroad. Particularly, the participants engaged in discussion with representatives from the Youth Policy department which coordinates the implementation of the National Youth Strategy in Cyprus. As the representatives mentioned, one of the basic principles of the Strategy is the participation of young people in decision-making, on issues that concern them and the close cooperation between all bodies that implement programs and actions for youth.

The participants learned more information about the role of the department in putting forward policy proposals, for the empowerment of young people;in conducting specialized research to identify the needs of young people; andin carrying out consultations and open discussions with young people, using multiple tools, such as the operation of Advisory Bodies, the Youth Conference and the National Group on EU Youth Dialogue. In that sense, the participants had the opportunity to actively discuss with the ONEK representatives and actively share how the implementation of their own initiatives helped them to understand the importance of actively engaging in civic affairs and democratic life. Participants explained elements of their initiatives to the representatives and exchanged opinions and ideas for furthering the benefits that they had harvested during the implementation of their initiatives.

Following that, the participants visited the Home for Cooperation, a unique community centre located in the middle of the dividing lines in Cyprus, in the Ledra Palace area, UN Buffer Zone, Nicosia. The participants had the opportunity to learn more about this landmark building in Nicosia, that is currently acting as a bridge-builder between separated communities, memories and visions through its physical presence and its peacebuilding programs benefiting from the transformative power of arts and culture.

Starting from the Home for Cooperation the participants enjoyed a tour within the walled city of Nicosia (old historical centre) that allowed the exploration of different and diverse corners of the city that are often unknown to visitors. The city tour allowed for raising questions around the possibility of actively engaging in democratic processes in a divided capital city, and the participants learned more about non-formal and informal groups working in the heart of the city.

Finally, the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas, insights and lessons learned derived from their experience with the design, participation, and implementation of the initiatives in their countries and local communities. It was interesting to see the results achieved, but also the obstacles that the participants came across.

Overall, it was a very rewarding and joyful experience for us all!!

The event and implementation of Part Me Initiative in Italy

The event and implementation of Part Me Initiative in Italy

Last week, the PartMe initiative of the NEUEYT project went online after  extensive communication and promotion at European level, organized by FORIS and Glocal Factory. The event brought together six young people, who presented their artwork and performances, (poems, photos, musical performances), all focusing on important social and political issues.

Despite the difficulty of organizing the initiative, the participants showed great creativity and enthusiasm, conveying strong messages through their art. Each performer tackled a different topic, such as climate change, gender equality and racial justice, with a unique style and approach, aiming to spread their messages to politicians and stakeholders.

PartMe is an example of how the power of art can be used to address crucial social and political issues. It is important to note that this activity was attended by young adults over the age of 20, and older than initially expected during the design phase of the initiative, probably due to the complexity of expressing social and political messages through art.

Stakeholder Table Meetings in Norway

Stakeholder Table Meetings in Norway

The first stakeholder table meeting in Norway was held on 12 December 2022, with the following agenda:

  • Introduction
  • Short disccussion on the topic of youth digital participation
  • Presentation of the initiatives carried out in AgderVoice Up! and Pinpointed
  • The tasks and obligations of the stakeholder table


All 14 participants who joined the event said something about their ideas and experiences connected to the topic of youth participation, particularly digital participation. Agreement from all members that the projects put focus on a very important subject. It is important to find structures for participation, and create spaces were the power-balance between youngsters and adult professionals is evened out. It is also important to find ways to involve everyone, not only those who are politically engaged. The two initiatives were presented. The participants that were involved shared their experiences from the initiatives. The youngsters expressed that it had been a lot of fun, and that these ways of expressing their opinion, made them more interested in politics and involvement. The politician said it was a very memorable experience for the politicians that was involved, and that it inspired them to work in different ways to involve youngsters in the municipality in the future.

The 2nd stakeholder table meeting in Norway was held on 6th February 2023, with the following agenda:

  • Youth communicate extensively through digital tools.
  • The digital tools are just a tool that can connect the youth and the grown adults in society.
  • It has been difficult to recruit youth into the project.
  • The digital tools are not creating the messages from the youth..
  • There is an intergenerational gap in the use of the digital sphere.
  • Communication is the essence.
  • Digital tools have opened more space for people to engage in society.
  • The effect of COVID-19. We have had two years of intense digital participation – in work, studies and social relations.

On the event 12 participants were present and reflected on the few topics listed below: 

Reflection 1. Difference in how one uses digital tools. Thoughts for a joint digital arena? Reflection 2. Challenges in recruiting young people. Reflection 3. Young people use a lot of digital tools, but communication is designed for quick information and communication. Political participation is often about long processes. Does one therefore have to learn digital tools? Reflection 4. The films captivated the politicians in such a way that it was easier to discuss. Can digital tools work to create/lead to a good conversation? Reflection 5. SOME often involves showing dissatisfaction or opposition. Digital tools teach little about what democracy really is about or of critical thinking. Is it possible to change this… and break out and rather allow SOME to be used for something other than discontent? Reflection 5: Is the information on SOME too fast so that one does not understand that politics is sometimes difficult?

The 3rd stakeholder table meeting was held in Norway on 29 March 2023, with the following agenda:


  • The project has focused on finding new forms of communication between young people and decision-makers. Now we will write a policy report. What is the most important thing we should focus on in the report – based on our experience from the project. And the discussions we have had in the reference group.
  • The project will soon be finished. But how can we use the experience from the project in the future

On the meeting 11 participants disscussed two issues:

1) New forms of expression where we already have established political forums with young people/how to make engagement more exciting?

2) How to get young people who don’t usually get involved politically, get a wider range of young people involved?

Inputs gathered from the stakeholder group:

– The use of digital tools are not sufficient in itself, but it can be used to engage and to stimulate good discussions.

– Film as a tool has an indirect effect in that it initiates a constructive conversation between young people and politicians. Film can replace documents that are not appealing to youth.

– Podcast: Make an active discussion. Young people listen to this and become aware of issues. They can both listen to podcasts and produce the content.

– Politicians should come to the schools and talk about how the youth can connect to the politicians.

– Invite young people to make a video followed by a chat with politicians, for example using posters in schools with information.

– Social media is important: Making young people’s attitudes visible without having to click through too much information.

– The politicians need to understand the interests of the youth in local issues.  Must be adapted to young people, to be on young people’s terms.

– The politicians should give the young people a clear signal that they are interested in hearing the young people’s opinions.It is not up to the young people to fight for the attention to the politicians.

– It is important with more informal conversation between young people and the politicians: Talk informally about important topics and issues.

– More information on how young people can make contact with “important” people.

– Need to not only address the big issues. Recognize opinions around everyday issues (for example access to football pitches), not just the big issues/questions.

– Making the young people’s opinions/perspective visible in the cityscape.

– Finding suitable urban spaces, for example buses, to collect input from young people about the development of the local environment.

– It is important to use simple tools for feedback from young people, for example survey of satisfaction at airports (“smiley buttons”).

The experience behind Mobility in Verona from Cyprus participants

The experience behind Mobility in Verona from Cyprus participants

Our mobility to Verona has truly been an unforgettable experience. We were given the incredible opportunity to meet youth representatives from different countries as well as interact with locals and learn about young, active citizenship and participation in Italy. Our days were packed with a variety of activities starting with a trip to Sona, a province in Verona, where the local youth representatives explained to us how the Italian government funds youth activities, such as Giovani in the 37 communities of the city.

Furthermore, we also had the opportunity to visit Laboratorio Autogestito Paratodos, a cultural center which aims to improve social inclusion of individuals, especially migrants by not only offering to teach them Italian, but also by hosting social events such as theatre performances and concerts to increase social engagement, as well as a place for them to stay.

Finally, on our last day, we attended a conference at the learning center 311, where we met representatives of the municipality of the city as well as the presidents of the student committee that voice the issues of young people from universities all over Verona.
We had an enlightening discussion with the policy makers which gave us a good insight on the activism and youth political participation of Verona, and generally Italy. We also had some free time to explore the city, go sightseeing and engage with the locals. We met people, socialised, and built connections that will last a lifetime. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience that we will forever be grateful for.

Tis article is based on the testimonial and feedback from participants Anna and Emma from Cyprus, who attended the Mobility event in Verona.