Stakeholders Table Meetings in Greece, organized by E-Trikala
Through these meetings NEUEYT partners aim is to map and identify all the major local stakeholders that will play a vital role in implementing and supporting the projects initiatives and mobilize them in participating in different activities that promote youngsters democratic participation.
The first event of this type was organized in Greece by E-Trikala, on 19th of May 2022 and lasted 3 hours where 40 stakeholders were present (young people, policy makers, partners, etc).
On this event E-Trikala had the chance to present NEUEYT project and more particularly the Six steps to democratic participation and the Youth Council initiatives to both the authorities and institutions of the city
The meeting took place at the City Hall, where representatives of local institutions and associations gathered.
During the meeting the Deputy Regional Minister of Health of Thessaly Mr. Dimitra Natsina and the Deputy Mayors of Trikala EfiLeventi and Vas. Kranias, the President of the Municipal Council of Trikala George Panagiotou and the Vice President of the Tsitsanis Museum and Head of the Volunteers of Trikala, Michalis Lappas, introduced to the representatives the importance of empowering youngsters to participate to democratic procedures. More particularly the concept of creating the first Youth Council was discussed in detail.
This first meeting was supported by representatives of local educational and cultural associations (Pyrgetou, Agia Kyriaki, Sotiras, Fotada, ApantachouLagkadioton, Sarakatsanaion, Kipaki, Agia Moni, AgiaTriada, Varousiou, Efxinou Club, ElokiChotei, ELOK, Polio (“Asteras”, “Aeolos”, AS Asklipios, AS TRIKKI, SOAT, AST, Delphi), who had the opportunity to express their opinion and analyse the way that could support this endeavour
Relevant link of the event: https://trikalacity.gr/proto-vima-gia-tin-idrysi-dimotikoy-symvoylioy-neon-d-trikkaion/
Conclusions and lessons learned:
During this first meeting we were able:
- Present the NEUEYT project and initiatives to the local stakeholders and gain their support
- Set a timeframe and a local roadmap in establishing the first youth council with the support of the local stakeholders. As a result, on the 31 of May 2022 during the official City Councils meeting the establishment of the Municipal Youth Council was discussed by the authorities in an official manner. The Municipal Council of Trikala approved the establishment of the Municipal Youth Council along with a number of actions that will take place the following months. The president of the Municipal Council G. Panagiotou and the implementer of the effort, Mich. Lappas, referred to the need to support the new generation in participating in democratic procedures. Among others, the Mayor also pointed out the need to empower the next generation of people who wish to be involved in local administration procedures.
- E-Trikala will work very close with the Municipality providing technical assistance in order to have a joined and optimal result.
- More meetings will take place in the near future.
Relevant link: https://trikalacity.gr/idryetai-dimotiko-symvoylio-neon-ston-dimo-trikkaion/
The second event of this format happened on 14th of July 2022, where 20 stakeholders were present.
A summary of the activity: On the 14nth of July the Youth Council Organizing committee had a meeting with local stakeholders at the Tsitsani Museum, in order to discuss issues and potential activities that promote youngster’s democratic participation. In addition to this, NEUEYT initiatives currently being implemented (Voice Up, Digital Youth Council and 6 steps) were presented and discussed with the participants. The committee mostly focused in explaining to the stakeholders the actions that need to be followed for the Youth Council to be created and the educational value of 6 the steps initiative for all youngsters wishing to be involved at the Youth Council. A very crucial conversation followed, among the stakeholders and the NEUEYT team in relation to the regulations of a youth council.