Learning how to design an intervention – Youth Council meeting in Trikala

Learning how to design an intervention – Youth Council meeting in Trikala

On the 1st of December the tactical members of Trikala’s Youth Council had a meeting at the City Hall organized and supported by E-TRIKALA NEUEYT team and representatives of the local stakeholders.
During this meeting they had their first elections in order to vote for their President, Vice president and General Secretary. They also decided to create three committees inside the youth council (Committee on Sports, Culture & Education, Committee on Environment and Sustainability and Committee on Social Matters).
What is more, during this meeting the 6 steps local workshop also took place. The methodology was presented to the youth council and the intervention plan template was explained and used by the members to start planning their first activities. It has also been decided that the 6 steps methodology and tools will be used by the Youth Council in all future interventions.
The meeting was contacted in a hybrid form and was also live streamed by the Municipality’s YouTube channel.

Members of Trikala’s Youth Council had their first public consultation

Members of Trikala’s Youth Council had their first public consultation

On the 21st of November 2022 our youth council was invited to participate on a workshop of a project called EU_INCLUDE that took place in the city of Trikala. Two members of our youth council (Mr Giannis Lappas and Mrs Elia Kostopoulou) took part on a round table discussion between officials of the participating municipalities in charge of managing the processes of citizen participation and social workers from associations linked with civic participation and democratic life about European Rights for European Citizens.

The youth council representatives were asked to give their opinion on the following issues:

  1. Taking into consideration that Democracy is one of the fundamental values of the European Union, which are the values and the principles that are vivid in contemporary diverse societies?
  2.  How will the Generation Z become active members of inclusive and participatory societies and cities?
  3. Living in the European Union brings with it fundamental rights and responsibilities, too. What is necessary for societies to function democratically?
  4. The issue of participatory democracy and its links with representative democracy is vital for civic participation. Is the civic engagement an essential pillar for a proper collective functioning?
  5.  Is citizens’ participation to political, economic, social and cultural life crucial for people’s commitment to the values of Democracy?
  6. Are representation and participation, the two main pillars of a strong democracy?
  7. Describe with one word, your perspectives of the participation to the Youth Municipal Council.

What is more NEUEYT was also presented during this meeting by Mrs Christina Karaberi, member of E-TRIKALA, as a best practice in promoting young people democratic participation The workshop was also broadcasted live via the venues YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RLR3OJ_HlQ

The first NEUEYT podcast in Norway

The first NEUEYT podcast in Norway

NUEYET project partners Agder fylkeskommune (Norway) recorded the first podcast on the topic of youth participation, where youth could also meet policy makers.

Several young people from Lillesand met Lillesand mayor Einar Holmer Hoven to discuss the NEUEYT-project and its activitites, as well how to better improve youth involvement in society, with focus on youth participation in democratic process.

The whole podcast is available on the video below!

3rd Transnational Partners Meeting in Pau, France

3rd Transnational Partners Meeting in Pau, France

Despite the numerous online meetings that we organize with NEUEYT partners, the feeling of physical meetings with colleagues and collaborators with whom you develop and create something truly special and unique for the youth of Europe cannot be compared, the positive atmosphere that can only be achieved with physical presence and effectiveness and the productivity of the participants happened from 15-16 November.

Last week, the third transnational partner meeting was held in Pau, France, hosted by the partners from Pistes Solidaries who welcomed us in their offices, and organized everything  all well. We are glad that representatives from all partner organizations attended the meeting Glocal Factory, E-Trikala, Poraka Nova, Foris, Agderand Hub Nicosia.  

During the day and a half agenda the participants managed to define some important future steps, agree on how some activities should be further developed and catch up about the status of the initiatives implementation in each country, as well about the organization of stakeholder table meetings.

On the first day on the agenda we had to work on Recommendations/guidelines for policy makers and stakeholders, the Research action,  afterwards we continued with Quality insurance, the monitoring of the 8 activities and closed the first day with the wrap up and conclusion.

On the second day we continued with presentation and discussion about the Dissemination of the project, the Framework and how to proceed with finalization at due time, ended with activities from the aspect of the management of the project and had free time to explore the amazing city of Pau.

Thanks to all who participated and made this great event happen!

Closure of We & Us Survey

Closure of We & Us Survey

The third part of the We&Us Panel initiative ended on Monday 14th November with the definitive closure of the questionnaire dedicated to the political issues of greatest interest to young people.

The answers collected are more than 200! A very satisfactory result for the Scientific Committee of young university students who built the survey and conducted the promotional campaign.

Now is the time to collect all the results in a report to be presented to the policy makers of each country.

Next appointment? December 15th with an international meeting between policy makers and the Scientific Committee.

Youngsters are at work 😉

Press release for Voice Up and Pinpointed in Norway

Press release for Voice Up and Pinpointed in Norway

The local newspaper “Lillesandsposten”, in Norway published a press release about the youth from Lillesand who took active participation in the NEUEYT-project and the initiatives that are implemented by the partner Agder. The youth were involved in the two initiatives Pinpointed and VoiceUp, and met with the political leadership in the municipality and the county.
Check out the press realse below.