Stakeholder Table Meetings

Stakeholder Table Meetings

About the Stakeolder table meetigns

In every country a multistakeholder tables was created at local level in every partner country in to share decisions and validate the outputs/deliverables of the project. The multistakeholder tables consist of a minimum of 8-10 members from the multistakeholder list, in addition to at least two youngsters of the target groups. The multistakeholder tables have had 3 meetings discussing the framework and scope of the project: the experiences from the initiatives and policy recommendations.  

Some members of the multistakeholder tables have participated in transnational mobilities, exchanging experiences and learning with stakeholders in other countries that has implemented the same initiatives. The members of the multistakeholder group are committed to ensuring that the collected experiences and knowledge created in the NEUEYT-project will continue beyond the life span of the project.  

 Short summary of the multistakeholder table meetings: 

  • The partners have organized 20 multistakeholder-meetings. Every partner organization have organized 3 meetings. Foris and Glocal Factory from Italy held the third table together as a joint effort.  
  • The first multistakeholder table was held in Trikala, Greece, the 19th of May 2022. The last table was held in Italy the 4th of May 2023.  
  • Altogether, 399 people attended the 20 multistakeholder table-meetings. 
  • The multistakeholder table-meetings were held both digitally and physically 

Web Articles from the Stakeholder table meetings 

On our Blog and News section we publised a lot of articles connected to te Stakeolder table meetings, check the list below devided by partner oranization. 

Glocal Factory

E- Trikala

2 events in one article –


All 3 events in one article –

Poraka Nova


Hub Nicosia

Mobility Events

Mobility Events

Check out the Mobility events oranized by partners from Italy, Greece, Norway, North Macedonia, Cyprus. 

Mobility event in Trikala 

First mobility event in Trikala, Greece

Mobility event in Bitola 

Mobility Event in Bitola

Mobility event in Verona 

Mobility event in Verona, hosted by Glocal Factory

Mobility event in Nicosia 

Mobility event in Nicosia, Cyprus

Mobility event in Cento 

Mobility event in Cento, Italy organized by Foris

Mobility event in Lillesand

Mobility Event in Norway, organized by Agder



3rd Transnational Partners Meeting in Pau, France

3rd Transnational Partners Meeting in Pau, France

Despite the numerous online meetings that we organize with NEUEYT partners, the feeling of physical meetings with colleagues and collaborators with whom you develop and create something truly special and unique for the youth of Europe cannot be compared, the positive atmosphere that can only be achieved with physical presence and effectiveness and the productivity of the participants happened from 15-16 November.

Last week, the third transnational partner meeting was held in Pau, France, hosted by the partners from Pistes Solidaries who welcomed us in their offices, and organized everything  all well. We are glad that representatives from all partner organizations attended the meeting Glocal Factory, E-Trikala, Poraka Nova, Foris, Agderand Hub Nicosia.  

During the day and a half agenda the participants managed to define some important future steps, agree on how some activities should be further developed and catch up about the status of the initiatives implementation in each country, as well about the organization of stakeholder table meetings.

On the first day on the agenda we had to work on Recommendations/guidelines for policy makers and stakeholders, the Research action,  afterwards we continued with Quality insurance, the monitoring of the 8 activities and closed the first day with the wrap up and conclusion.

On the second day we continued with presentation and discussion about the Dissemination of the project, the Framework and how to proceed with finalization at due time, ended with activities from the aspect of the management of the project and had free time to explore the amazing city of Pau.

Thanks to all who participated and made this great event happen!

2 nd Transnational Partner Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

2 nd Transnational Partner Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

On 3-4 May 2022 in Nicosia, Cyprus, took place the 2 nd Transnational Partner Meeting in the framework of the NEUEYT project. The meeting was organised and hosted by Hub Nicosia. Consortium partners from Glocal Factory, Hub Nicosia, E-trikala, Pistes Solidaires, Foris, Agder gathered onsite and the Poraka Nova team joined via ZOOM in order to discuss the further development and activities of the research actions, the implementation of the initiatives, dissemination activities, as well the quality insurance and management activities in the upcoming period.

The first day was dedicated to presenting the current status of the running initiatives, as well as further requirements for improvement and impact by all partners who already are in some phase of implementation of the NEUEYT iniatives. Moreover, during the first day, Adger presented the recommendations/guidelines for policy makers and stakeholders followed by extensive consortium discussion.

On the second day, the consortium discussed extensively the further and better dissemination of the project initiatives and outcomes in general. Each partner defined which certain dissemination products will deliver and how the promotion of the project will continue. Moreover, the evaluation leader presented some of the first evaluations from the initiatives that are currently rolling out, while the coordinator had the opportunity to highlight some important milestones related to the management of the project.

The meeting allowed the project partners to verify some of the deliverables that were expected for the first-year progress report and for the interim report. Also, the partnership agreed the dates for the last TPM that will take place in Pau (France) and will be hosted by Pistes Solidaires.

Thanks to all the participants who contributed and joined this meeting. Stay tuned until the next meeting in Pau!

Laboratory Meeting and Training for co-designing the Framework in Trikala, Greece

Laboratory Meeting and Training for co-designing the Framework in Trikala, Greece

Our second event the Lab meeting and training for co-designing the framework of the initiatives or the second transnational partners meeting was held in Trikala from 29 September until 1 October, 2021. Hosted by the Greek partner E-Trikala, participants from each partner country France, Italy, North Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus and Norway were present and presented their ideas and worked together in order to develop one of the most important documents within NEUEYT project.

During our 3-day joint staff training event the participants actively cooperate in the laboratory and discuss about the results of the best practices collection and analysis that was created earlier, had session for reflection and debate on the lessons learned by the selected best practices in order to focus relevant inputs for the design and the development of the Novel Framework for democratic participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters – NEUEYT, which is one of the major outputs in this project, as well valorising the sharing of knowledge in the field of youth engagement according to peer learning approach.

Fist of all a presentation of the list of potential initiatives was made, after which establishing the roadmap for initiative was decided for 8 initiatives that were selected and all participants worked in groups. On the last day a presentation of all finalized and selected initiatives was done and the partners from E-Trikala presented couple of co-creation activities on how to get measurable feedback from policy makers and youngsters.

Looking forward to implement our great initiatives which will motivate young people towards participation on many levels.

Check out our visual tour form our Trikala Lab Event

The First Partners Transnational Meeting in Verona, Italy

The First Partners Transnational Meeting in Verona, Italy

The First Partners Transnational Meeting was held in Verona, Italy from 6-7 September 2021, within the NEUEYET Project – Novel Framework for democratic participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters. The event took place in the marvelous venue of Galleria Giustizia Vecchia, in Verona where most of the partners joined the physical meeting and the rest of the partners who couldn’t attend the event due to the Covid 19 restrictions participated via ZOOM platform.

We can proudly say that nowadays when we are facing challenges in organizing physical events this one was huge success first because of the hybrid model offline and online, and second because of the productivity, efficiency of the work that all participants had done during all sessions, thanks to the participants from Glocal Factory (Italy), FORIS (Italy), Hub Nicosia (Cyprus), Mladiinfo International (North Macedonia), e-Trikala (Greece), Pistes-Solidaires (France) and Adger (Norway). Special thanks goes to the hosts from the Glocal Factory the lead organization in this project who organized this event.

The first day of the meeting was reserved for presenting the research and good practices in digital democratic participation and less represented young population that we collect from partners during the summer. Additionally, preparations for the upcoming event in Trikala, Greece were made and all participants discussed about the content of that event. The most important output from the day one was creation of the framework for the future implantations of the activities followed by group work and discussions.
The second day started with presentation on how we will disseminate and promote the project activities, initiatives, outputs where participants learned about managing social media, how to use the plan for communication and dissemination, as well creation of content and their responsibilities in the dissemination process. Afterwards, a presentation for quality assurance was held and we concluded the day with some clarification on financial matters, arraigning the next meeting and events.

Novel Framework for Democratic Participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters – NEUEYT Project is supported by Erasmus +.