About the Stakeolder table meetigns

In every country a multistakeholder tables was created at local level in every partner country in to share decisions and validate the outputs/deliverables of the project. The multistakeholder tables consist of a minimum of 8-10 members from the multistakeholder list, in addition to at least two youngsters of the target groups. The multistakeholder tables have had 3 meetings discussing the framework and scope of the project: the experiences from the initiatives and policy recommendations.  

Some members of the multistakeholder tables have participated in transnational mobilities, exchanging experiences and learning with stakeholders in other countries that has implemented the same initiatives. The members of the multistakeholder group are committed to ensuring that the collected experiences and knowledge created in the NEUEYT-project will continue beyond the life span of the project.  

 Short summary of the multistakeholder table meetings: 

  • The partners have organized 20 multistakeholder-meetings. Every partner organization have organized 3 meetings. Foris and Glocal Factory from Italy held the third table together as a joint effort.  
  • The first multistakeholder table was held in Trikala, Greece, the 19th of May 2022. The last table was held in Italy the 4th of May 2023.  
  • Altogether, 399 people attended the 20 multistakeholder table-meetings. 
  • The multistakeholder table-meetings were held both digitally and physically 

Web Articles from the Stakeholder table meetings 

On our Blog and News section we publised a lot of articles connected to te Stakeolder table meetings, check the list below devided by partner oranization. 

Glocal Factory



E- Trikala

2 events in one article – https://e-participationyouth.eu/2022/09/26/stakeholders-table-meetings-in-greece-organized-by-e-trikala/


All 3 events in one article – https://e-participationyouth.eu/2023/04/12/stakeholder-table-meetings-in-norway/

Poraka Nova







Hub Nicosia
